I've been struggling with finishing off my script this week. I had written most parts, but I knew that I couldn’t really write the part where I comment on the experiment with 3 different camera techniques until after I had finished shooting and editing that part. Shooting this part had taken a lot longer than I had planned. This was for several reasons. Firstly, I wanted to film it in the woods, using a bench that I found while location scouting. Although my original plan had been for my mum to stand up facing away from me, pretty early on I found the bench, which looks out onto a nice view (i.e. a narrative reason for a character to be sitting there) and thought that it would be better for many reasons to have her sitting down there. For example, it would be easier for her to sit than to stand for however long it took me to film. Also it meant that she was definitely in the same place, something that I had identified as necessary in my Initial Ideas planning. However, with varying coronavirus lockdown rules, this bench became alternately busy (so I looked at other locations), then less busy (so I thought I could use it) then busy again, as explained in my location scouting. At one point, I test filmed the whole sequence in my garden. I thought it would help the real filming session to go more smoothly since me and my crew (my parents) would be familiar with what I wanted, which was important because at that point people were only supposed to be out for about an hour.
However, the bench got busy again. I kept checking to see if it was getting quieter, however I realised that I may have a problem. I knew that I had all the shots in my test footage from the garden. But I really felt that it didn’t look as professional as I wanted. This was for a couple of reasons. Firstly, because it was only intended to be test footage I didn’t worry about a lot of "stuff" in the garden that made it look a bit messy, e.g. our garage is a bit rundown, my parents are having a garden clear out but can’t take stuff to the tip yet etc. It really looks like I haven’t bothered about the background.
My Dad has been very busy with work, and I need him as crew. He has said that he will try very hard to be available sometime this Saturday so that we can film this last bit in the woods.
So I have spent time this week in the woods checking out the same location as where I filmed me speaking to camera last Saturday, checking out a few options or where my mum could sit or stand, so that I could make the most of whatever time my Dad was available. I also didn’t know what time of day it would be so I checked a few different directions so I had choice depending on where the sun was due to the time of day.