With or Without Monopod?
Nargess gave me very helpful feedback when I asked her about the audio and also the Monopod. Firstly, she thought the audio now sounded fine, which was good. It was also good since she said that she also wasn't sure how to do the equalising. So I am happy with the sound now and will ask a tutor how to do equalising when we are back at College, since it is often easier to do that when you are both looking at the same screen.
Nargess liked my video WITH the monopod, she said she found it interesting. She made a very good and helpful suggestion though, which was to cut the voiceover at the same point that the visual finished and it moved to the black screen, so that I didn’t have the black screen in anymore. The words matched up fine, the ones I cut out were not really needed, and I got the best of both worlds – keep the monopod in but lose the black screen.
I had put some of the other smaller black screens in deliberately between certain shots, to separate them. She suggested experimenting to see if any were better with fades. I did this, and some were, I feel it improved my video.
I am happy with my final video now.