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Audio Plan

My Preproduction areas of Audio planning are


  1. How to do the audio for me speaking to camera

  2. How to do the audio for "filming me filming" the 3 different types of camera movement

  3. How to record the voice-over for when I have clips relating to camera movement on the screen.


One particular thing I feel strongly about, which has affected all my audio decisions, is that I don't want the sound that I use in my film to be the sound recorded on the camera. For my last College project, a Neo Noir Interactive film, I worked with Adam (on my course) to record the sound using a boom mic and his sound desk, instead of plugging the boom mic into the camera. It was way better, so I want to use the same principle.


So I have created my own version of a boom mic and pole, see my Audio Research for details, since I do not have access to the College boom mics and poles that I usually use, and it plugs directly into a small Sony voice recorder attached to the boom pole. I did test and experimental recordings using it and got feedback from my tutors (see Audio Research) and I am using it for all my audio recording. I also did test and experimental recordings to find the best position for it relative to me speaking.


My plans are


1. How to do the audio for me speaking to camera

Use my boom mic and pole with my Dad as boom mic operator, recording the audio into the recorder. The mic to be positioned nearly level with my mouth, slightly above. For reasons explained in my mis-en-scene research, the shots of me are virtually all mid-shots or a closeup. This has the advantage that my Dad can get the mic pretty close to me, and at a consistent distance meaning the volume of my voice should be consistent.


2. How to record the voice-over for when I have clips relating to camera movement on the screen.

I will record this directly using my Rode MicroVideo mic connected into my Sony voice recorder with my headphones on so I can hear how it sounds. I will do one long recording of my script, in the order that I want it to appear in my film. If I make a mistake with the words, I will repeat the sentence again, I will not stop recording. I can then load the whole file into Premiere Pro when editing and cut it up as I need to, rather than having loads of separate files that I need to name, sort, upload etc.


3. How to do the audio for "filming me filming" the 3 different types of camera movement

I thought this would be tricky but it was simpler than I originally expected because my research into the format and style that I want this film to have has made me decide to use voice-over for this part too, since trying to talk as I film will be distracting, both for me and the audience, and I concluded that I need to have edited the scenes together before I can comment on them and hence will then write the script for them. Because of this, I will record this as part of my voice-over script.

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