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Blog 12 Sunday 3rd May

Writer: Gareth EdwardsGareth Edwards

The Location Scouting Saga continues

Well. There are now further complications to filming either in the garden or in my house. On Thursday morning at 7:30am builders arrived at our neighbours to start very noisy outdoor building work. We had warning the previous evening, and the neighbours were very sorry about the short notice, but the builders were suddenly available to start. It was extremely noisy with chain saws, cement mixers, drills etc. And it made it very noisy inside too. They don’t know how long they will be either, as the neighbours have added other work on too. My parents are trying to help, they are letting the builders use our drive for access to speed up clearing rubbish away, but they still don’t know since the neighbour is considering other work too since they are now here.

On a positive note, which I am determined to keep going with, at least I built a lot of contingency into my timetable, so that is good. And they are very hard workers, they arrive very early and work late.

So, I really need to have a good analyse of the situation and work out my options. Can I get up REALLY early, before they arrive in the morning? I can’t film in the garden at 6am due to rush hour, but maybe it would be quiet enough in the house at that time to record? So, I need to concentrate on seeing if I can set anywhere up in the house to film. I think that I also need to go back to the woods and see if anything has changed regarding how busy it is and also really go everywhere in the woods to see if there is anywhere that I have missed that I could film.

Primary Research - interviews

I am still keeping going on the rest of thing that I need to do to be ready to film. For example, as well as doing primary research by filming and recording (some examples of which I have put under Test Editing in Preproduction on my website), I have also finally managed to find convenient times for people to let me interview them for that part of my Primary Research. I have had to talk to people using discord and zoom. I am pleased to get that done so that I can incorporate my findings into my plans.


I started looking around my house for various lights that I could use to light me, if the filming lights don’t arrive in time and if I do have to film indoors. I am aware, from my last film project, the Neo Noir Interactive film, that it is necessary to test out any lights on film. This is because I was filming at my dad's work, and the ceiling lights that they have there caused flicker on the video. I want to ensure beforehand that I don't have the same issue again.



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